Customer Acquisition Expert

I help you get more customers using Facebook Ads and Sales funnels

$3M+ spent on Facebook Ads, $10M+ in client revenue generated.

My Services

"Simple can be harder than complex : You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple, But its worth in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains"

Facebook Ads Running and Management

Check this fF you have an existing campaigns that are not doing well or want to setup a new campaign.

Customer Acquisition Funnel Building

Want to fix a sales funnel that is not converting or build a new one that brings you customers, then this is for you.

Landing Page and Sales Page Copywriting

Get High Converting Optin Pages, Webinar Pages or Sales Pages.


Confused about the next steps in your customer acquisition journey? let me give you a clear road map on that.

My Portfolio

"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work"

Facebook Ad Results

Sales Funnels

Landing Pages and Sales pages

About Me

"There is no such thing as Failure, just learning"

I am Aditya, a 25 year old Acquisition expert.

My journey has been based on this single mantra of No failure, just learnings.

I started in December of 2018 when I first fumbled across Digital Marketing.

From there I just tried various ways of making money online like Affiliate Marketing, Blogging, SEO, E-commerce and failed badly at all of them.

All of these failures taught me a lot of things, most importantly the importance of focus.

These failures equipped me with skills and which started my Freelancing journey

Since then I have worked with over 100+ clients, spent over $3M+ on Facebook Ads and generated over $10M+ for my clients.

I help them with Facebook ads, Sales funnels and Copywriting.


"You've got to start with the client experience, results and work backward to the Service"

"Great job!! Adyita was very knowledgeable and overdelivered. Would hire again"
Crossfit Studio Owner
"Aditya is a pleasure to work with. After some back and forth explaining needs, he was solid with his word and delivered his best"
Business Coach
"Aditya is a very professional and knowledgable expert in his field. He is friendly, patient and very reliable. He set up our entire Social Media tracking system and took time to walk us through all the changes he made and explained thoroughly, which we highly appreciated.

My Process

Let's have a quick discussion

Understand Your business

Delivering the strategy

You can now Enjoy the results


"Life is about creating and living experiences that are worth sharing."

Case Studies

Impressed? Lets talk now

Your Name*


Business Name*

Website (Write NA if not present)*

Type of business

How much are you spending on Advertising Per month?

Approx Revenue / Year

Which services are you interested in?